Thanks to all our customers and friends , Antiques
Antiquités L'empreinte du temps
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Home-News-Thanks to all our customers and friends

Thanks to all our customers and friends

L'Empreinte du Temps wants to thank you all for your business over the past 20 years. We decided to close the boutique in St-Jean and totally reorganise our services to you all. From now online sales will defenately be way more important then ever and we will offer the possibility to buy directly on line with electronic payments. More then ever the services will be our main goal, having an evaluation certficate for all your prcecious items is more a must then it ever been to be sure that your insurances will cover decently your items and also simplify a claim with them if ever something would happen. Take the time to inscribe yourself as a member of L'Empreinte du Temps and that way you will be advice for any special event or estate sale that we do directly on sites .


Pine trunk - Antiques
The first passionate collector - Antiques

Open hours of the Antiques Store

Mon-Sun: On appointment

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